
A few weeks ago, a polemic rose in the society regarding the new Law of KPK. The new Law contains a controversial article regarding the formation of a new board of trustees to oversee the KPK‘s works, including monitoring the tapping mechanism. Civil societies rejected this article because it will jeopardize the KPK impartiality in carrying out its duties.

Corruption Indonesia is indeed a perennial and complicated problem for the country. What are the causes of corruption? Why does corruption persist? How can corruption affect public policies?

Atma Jaya Institute of Public Policy Brownbag Discussion aims to answer these questions. In the upcoming Brownbag Discussion, Professor Mathew Winters of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL, USA) will present his research on corruption. He will provide some insights into the effect of corruption on a country‘s public policies.

Event details:

1. Matthew Winters – Associate Professor of Politics, the Department of Political Science, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2. Indro Adinugroho – Research fellow at IPP Atma Jaya (Moderator)

Location: Gedung Yustinus Lantai 14-1408

Semanggi Campus, Atma Jaya University

Date : Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Time : 13.00-15.00 WIB

Online registration: http://bit.ly/BrownbagMatthewWinters